Raw Goat’s Milk - A superfood

Raw Goat’s Milk has so many health benefits and could be the hidden gem you’re searching for.

Dogs are essentially lactose in-tolerant, and too many cows milk products can wreak havoc on their digestive system. There are differing opinions on the use of yogurt and cheese to benefit the gut and introduce beneficial probiotics to the gut microbiome. However, the issue with cows milk is that it is high in lactose, and the pasteurization process it goes through eliminates a lot of the potential health benefits. Raw Goat’s Milk is much lower in lactose and is actually a nutritionally complete food.

Raw Goats Milk is considered a super food, it’s anti-inflammatory, contains a small percentage of healthy fats and proteins so it is safe for most dogs with different health conditions (although you should always consult your vet if your dog has a serious illness and is receiving medical attention) and has even shown to reduce the symptoms of allergies. This superfood contains tons of naturally occurring probiotics and aids in re-stabilizing the gut microbiome.

It can also be used as a more natural and nutritionally beneficial milk replacement for kittens and puppies. Integrative Veterinarian Dr. Cathy Alinovi uses it as a complete food when cleansing clients dogs of toxins and prepping them for therapeutic diets. Less is always more when it comes to supplementation and it only takes a small amount (tsps-tbsps depending on the size of your pet) to reap its health benefits. It is great for helping to resolve diarrhea AND constipation.

In my Nutrition Counseling we use Raw Goat Milk often to help aid the gut, and my personal pets enjoy its benefits all the time! We love Primal’s Raw Goat Milk and also Steve’s Real Food which can be found in most freezer sections at independently owned pet stores.





Autumn Somers

Certified Canine & Feline Nutritionist

November 11, 2021


‘Gut Soothing’ Bone Broth Recipe