Five Pillars of Success

Structure - Your pet looks to you for direction, introducing structure and training to your pets daily routine builds confidence, respect, and trust! Dogs were intended to have a purpose, a job. Without this, many dogs are under-stimulated and suffer from severe anxiety disorders as a result.

Health - This one really speaks for itself, but the health of our pets directly correlates with their ability to learn, and grow!

Diet - Nutrition cannot be mentioned enough! Without the proper diet you are setting your pet up to fail. They require a species appropriate diet to thrive, and without that you will see behavioral issues along with health problems that can be as small as ear infections to as big as heart and joint issues.

Genetics - This is your pets foundation. Every dog comes with a genetic blueprint. Genetics have a hand in every aspect of your dogs personality, their attention-span, their ability to adapt, learn, and their health. In some cases it is possible to come up with a plan to overcome these issues, but in order to do that you need a trained professional to help you develop a program.

Environment - Studies have shown us that the environment of the dog plays a vital role in behavior, it even has the ability to effect gene expression, with potential to decide what genes will express themselves, and which will remain dormant.