Private Dog Training Lessons & Day Train Programs (listed below)
Private Dog training lessons will be scheduled one to two times per week and run 50 minutes long. You can also receive weekly programming through a coaching app where your exercises will be kept organized for you with demonstration videos and instructions, along with the ability to upload videos in between our weekly sessions for your trainer to critique (Included, but Optional). Training packs include a recommended feeding list, weekly classes + open contact with your trainer when needed, with access to our video library on training and nutrition. You will also be provided with a written guide that will help cover all of your behavioral bases. Each dog and owner are different, and learn at different paces, our training programs are completely tailored to you and your dogs unique needs. All Dog Training services require a consultation to begin, you will be charged $35 to reserve your consultation time slot, this is nonrefundable! The prices below are based on a 8 mile radius or (15 minute travel time) of Fairfax VA, and Bethany Beach DE. There may be a travel fee outside of this.
DC and Arlington area is subject to a travel fee. Private Lessons run from $140-$160 per session depending on difficulty and location. We have provided package options below for general training and behavioral issues. This will be discussed during your scheduled consultation. Consultations are 25 minutes long and conducted over the phone, your trainer will make a recommendation on one of our programs based on your concerns. Below, our listed services are generalized descriptions of which program you may need based on concerns, but each dogs unique behaviors and circumstances vary. Your trainer will establish a program that works for you and your dog and make a recommendation.
Dog Training Lesson Packages:
Training Consultation: $35 - Discuss Training Concerns & form a program
20 Lesson Pack: $2700 ($2800 value)
Recommended for addressing behavioral issues;
*Reactivity (lunging, barking, growling, whining/crying)
*Resource Guarding
*Fearfulness/Anxiety (extremely wary of new people and/or; sounds, textures, environments)
*Adult dog with no prior training etc. (Requires help setting up a line of communication, leash training, polite greetings, crate training, obedience, etc)
-Off-leash training
-Schedule 1-2 times per week
-Dogs that have been through one of our programs and want a package to use as needed for maintenance or practice (this can be discussed with your trainer)
-Dogs that need training and practice in a variety of environments; in-home, Public areas; stores, parks, shopping centers, cities, etc.
10 Lesson Pack: $1320 ($1400 value)
-Puppy Training; Relationship building, obedience, commands, potty training, crate training, behavioral, socialization, husbandry training.
-Confidence building for nervousness to people and/or; sounds, textures, environments, animals.
-Leash training with some reactivity
6 Lesson Pack: $800 ($840 value)
-Working on a specific issue, example; leash training, obedience commands, polite greetings, crate training, etc.
-Basic puppy training; commands, relationship building, potty training, etc.
VIRTUAL SESSIONS And app based coaching available!! ***These prices do not include severe behavioral issues or aggression, price is subject to change based on case difficulty***
Canine & Feline Nutrition Counseling
Balanced Nutrition plays a significant role in the behavior of your pet. Improper nutrition can cause hormonal imbalances, altering the way your dog/cats body was biologically designed to operate and in turn causing physiological issues. These problems can present themselves as aggression, hyperactivity, and lethargy.
During a nutrition session with A Balanced Canine, we will work with you and your pet to identify their specific needs, and determine the best food for your pet. During this session we will dive deep into your pets history in order to make sure that we have selected the appropriate food to set them up for a happy and healthy future. We will help you navigate the shelves at your local pet store and read those complicated ingredient lists like a pro! LEARN MORE HERE: Click here
What Can be Addressed:
-Deep dive into pets history, behavioral history, allergies and/or sensitivities
-Discuss and consider diet and health goals
-Review and analysis of current diet and activity levels
-Learn how to read pet food labels and navigate a pet store
-Meal prep help and planning
-Recipes (starting at $45.00 per recipe)
-Learning how to prepare properly balanced home diets
-Gut Microbiome help (digestive issues, behavioral, etc)
-Allergy/Sensitivity Help
-If you have a strict monthly pet food budget that we will need to stay within we will do all the pricing research and planning for you (Additional $35)
-Supplementation help
-All brand research and selection will be done for you
-Learn how the pet food industry operates and sources ingredients
-Checking nearby store availability and mileage can be done for you as well (additional $35)
Pet Weight Management
Our pets depend on us for even their most basic needs, and as their owners it is our responsibility to ensure they live long, happy and healthy lives. In America more than 50% of cats are obese and 54% of dogs are considered overweight! Obesity leads to a multitude of health issues including joint problems, and potentially fatal heart conditions! If you are finding that your pet has been packing on those pounds, you are not alone! However, to ensure them a long healthy life this has to be addressed. At A Balanced Canine we will help you address these problems and map out a clear and concise plan to get them back on the road to success!
Weight Management Programs require a consultation to review medical history and determine eligibility. Consultation fee total is: $35
Nonrefundable consultation fee to reserve your time slot: $35
Weight Management program prices vary case to case and will be discussed during your consultation. Proof of a physical from your vet is required to participate in Weight Management programs.
Monthly Enrichment Membership
We are now offering a monthly membership - your dog will receive 4 enrichment sessions with A Balanced Canine every month. That is a weekly enrichment session to stimulate their minds and keep them active and sharp including; Agility, Supervised Socialization, Nosework, Open Play with toys, location walking/hiking. This is a monthly membership for $400/mo.
This service does require a consultation to establish needs and schedule.
Day train Programs
Day Trains are a Board & Train alternative. Typically during a Board & Train the dog will be away for several weeks at a time with the trainer. Day Trains provide all of the Board & Train benefits, without having to give your dog away for weeks on end. We feel that in order for dogs and owners to have the most success with retention longterm, the owners should be apart of the training process. Owners are an integral part of the learning process, and Day Trains give them an opportunity to be apart of the dogs training program the entire time. This strengthens the bond between dog owners and their beloved companion and ensures they have the skills necessary to communicate with their dog effectively AND retain all of the learned behaviors. With Day Trains, the trainer still does the bulk of the training, helping to eliminate the dogs learning curve, and allow the owner to relax and focus on maintaining the new behaviors. Dogs will spend 3 hours, 4 days a week with the trainer, at their home and on outings, this will include active and passive training. At the end of each week the trainer will come to the clients home for one hour and work with the owner and their dog together, practicing everything the dog learned the past week. Set up a consultation to discuss the best option for you and your pet: Click Here to setup your 25 minute phone consultation with a trainer.
EACH Program is Customized to address YOUR dogs needs! This program will be discussed and developed with your trainer.
4 week Day Train: $3760
-Dog arrives at trainers home and spends 3 hours there, 4 days per week (Monday-Wed & Friday) - on the 5th day an hour is spent in the owners home catching them up on everything their dog has been learning the past week (Either Saturday or Sunday).
-Dog will be taken on outings to practice in a multitude of environments
-New habit development & behavior modification examples; leash training, commands, crate training, neutrality around varying stimuli, place, reactivity, hyperactivity, recall, etc.
-Breed Specific Enrichment
-Daily progress videos and written homework so that owners can practice and implement what their dog has learned while at the Day Train program
-At the end of the 4 weeks you get detailed instructions on how to maintain these behaviors and how to provide these activities practically at home
Group Dog Training Classes - PAUSED FOr now
Group Dog Training Classes are positive reinforcement based classes. They are 6 weeks in length, convening once per week. They are held through and at the Affectionate Pet Care facility in Fairfax, VA. Classes will meet once per week at your chosen class time. There are a variety of classes available; Agility & Behavioral Mod, Leash Work & Impulse Control, Obedience,
Puppy 101, Nosework & Practical Enrichment.
The next set of Group Classes will begin 3/24 & 3/26. Register Now to reserve your spot, spaces are limited!
This is a 6-week course, it is $330 in total due at the time of registration to hold your spot, and will convene 6 times. After completion of this course, your dog will be eligible to graduate with a certificate of completion.
Autumn, will work closely with your group over the six-week period to teach you and your pup how to work together synergistically! This course will give you the tools and knowledge needed to build a lasting, obedient relationship between you and your dog.
This course will go over:
*How to use Operant and Classical Conditioning using a bridging stimulus for positive reinforcement
*Breed Specific Behaviors (Why they do what they do)
*Genetics and behavior, and how and WHY nutrition effects behavior
*Basic Commands like; sit, down, stay, how to hold attention with distractions present
*How to prevent and work through separation anxiety
*Proper and appropriate socialization
*The foundation of good recall
*How to set and maintain boundaries
*Leash manners
*Impulse Control
*Behavioral Modification
*Practical Enrichment Implementation